Campaign Converter™

Campaign Converter™ is a proven and effective approach to ensuring your communications and engagement are noticed in a busy and cluttered environment.

Our unique Campaign Converter™ technique will identify not only where the community stands on key issues, but also how to reinforce or convert target audiences to your supported positions in order to enhance reputation. The ideal outcome is defined and measured groups of supporters, those who are neutral and those who oppose your position.

Campaign Converter™ achieves powerful and compelling results based on robust, accurate research and a data-driven evidence base.

We refine the messages that work to reinforce, motivate, activate and overcome barriers in relation to your issue to show how to convert your audience into supporters while inoculating against the messages that resonate with those who oppose your preferred outcome.

The JWS Research Campaign Converter™ approach, combined with advanced statistical analysis techniques identifies the most meaningful channels and messages for your campaign.

At JWS Research, we have developed Campaign Converter to answer these four critical questions:

  1. WHAT messages are most compelling?
  2. WHO among your target audience are most convertible and by which messages?
  3. WHY does the message persuade them to change their opinion or behaviour?
  4. HOW MANY of your target audience will change their attitudes or behaviour, and to what extent, as a result of your message(s)?

What you can expect:

An upfront investment in research can significantly impact campaign outcomes – it is important to not only know where your audiences stand on key issues, but how to reinforce or convert them and how to counter antagonistic positions. Through a combined qualitative and quantitative research approach, we explore and measure: